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Implant Dentistry

A guide to implant dentistry part 1: treatment planning


    Implant rehabilitation is considered a predictable treatment modality to replace single and multiple missing units, with high survival rates. Technical and biological complications are commonly encountered and careful treatment planning, restorative-driven implant placement and long-term maintenance are prerequisites of a successful implant rehabilitation. The aim of this two-part series is to provide an evidence-based overview regarding the sequence of treatment planning and the treatment stages of a successful implant rehabilitation. The first part of the series will focus on new patient assessment and pre-operative planning. The second part of the series will discuss the surgical and prosthodontic considerations and maintenance of implant-supported restorations.

    CPD/Clinical Relevance: To provide the dental practitioner with an evidence-based overview regarding treatment planning, surgical and prosthodontic considerations and maintenance of implant-supported restorations.


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